Beyond Media Perception: How an HR SaaS Company Reclaimed Their Software Identity

Discover how a media company evolved into an HR enterprise software company with a portfolio of branded products. Flimp is an established company with enterprise clients such as Coca-Cola, Tripadvisor, New Balance, and Topgolf. Because of their massive growth over the years, the company evolved from distributing media campaigns to being the platform that distributes the media campaigns for enterprise HR departments.

Discovering what’s possible through repositioning

Flimp is an HR communications software company that increases employee engagement and education with internal communication campaigns. However, after 10 years in business, they had drastically evolved their software products. The team felt overwhelmed and frustrated to have so many great solutions, but not having a clear way to sell them and leverage upselling opportunities with current users. Their overall brand did not reflect their growth.

Moox conducted a positioning assessment to evaluate how Flimp’s brand portfolio and messaging aligned with their current marketing materials. Moox asked Flimp’s team about their business and marketing goals. Upon evaluation, our research team found a disconnect between Flimp’s business and communication goals. Although the company expressed their product services and features, their website did not position the company as a software company. Rather, a confusing media company that was downplaying their technology capabilities. Additionally, our research team found their multiple branded products created confusion because of their names and brand identity designs. Their logos and names did not have a clear hierarchy and structure. Our goal was to bring clarity and propose a strategy that would set the team in the right direction to re-establish their market position and brand reputation.

Moox presented the assessment findings and proposed the action plan to clarify their multiple branded products portfolio with clearer logo and messaging, highlighted key brand differentiators, and proposed for their team to create a complete brand ecosystem. This resulted in a consultation call that proposed the direction for their team to review and refine their brand messaging, positioning, product portfolio design, and create a complete brand ecosystem. The Flimp team was excited to finally set the grounds to clarify all their product offerings and seize cross-selling opportunities.


Human Resources Enterprise Software

“We all really loved the thought you put into your outreach, research, personal follow ups and the presentation. Your enthusiasm for working with us was definitely unmatched!”

Heather Bliss | Chief Marketing Officer at Flimp

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